Try to be Happy Again

Keep a positive, open and supportive attitude in order to receive the blessings of the Heavenly Temple. Learn how to regain that daily path with the following verses.

"Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world." John 17:24

If you have ever wondered where the solution or the answer you need to move forward comes from, it is important to understand that our heavenly Father has already prepared everything we need. Nothing that happens in our lives is a product of fate or chance.

Every event has a purpose and God tests us daily so that we follow His will both on earth and in heaven. To do this, it is essential to be in line with our faith and open our eyes and hearts to assimilate the lessons that are presented to us.

"Whoever invokes a blessing in the land will do so by the one true God; whoever takes an oath in the land will swear by the one true God. For the past troubles will be forgotten and hidden from my eyes." Isaiah 65:16

It is useless to focus on despair or isolate ourselves when faced with problems. If conflicts surround us, we must take the reins and move away from the fog that prevents us from seeing clearly. This fog clouds our heart and senses, preventing us from fully connecting with the Holy Spirit.

However, we must remember that He is the only way to salvation. By praying and turning to our heavenly Father, we will find the peace and guidance we need to feel alive again.

Often, we long for everything to return to normal and wish we could go back in time to experience the fleeting happiness we used to have.

But how much longer must we wait to act? Will we be able to identify the signs that God sends us? It is important to understand that God's times do not always coincide with our times.

"Why is light given to those in misery, and life to the bitter of soul." Job 3:20

Relationship with God is not governed by specific times or moments. It is not limited to times of the year or seasonal seasons. It is a deeper dimension and linked to divine revelation that places us as brothers and sisters in a unique place.

Sometimes, we want to harvest quickly without having carried out the previous and orderly process of sowing in our hearts. The analogy is clear and should enlighten our minds: it is necessary to cultivate our faith through prayer, attendance at Mass, reading the Holy Scriptures and doing good works for those in need. To turn away from our divine mission will only cause us unnecessary discomfort.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Our anxieties often outweigh our needs for salvation that the Holy Spirit offers us through faith.

Therefore, even if the solution seems difficult and the answer requires great effort, we should always strive to keep God's word. If we desire to obtain heavenly wisdom and revelation from the Lord, we will understand that his guidance is designed especially for us.

By following his guidance, we will find the solution we need and experience the fullness of his love and grace in our lives.

Previous articles

The Strength of Our Hearts

Strategies for a Balanced Existence

How to Live in Peace with Our Mistakes

The Key to Inner Peace

Divine Truth in Our Daily Journey