Healthy Attitudes to Put into Practice

Let us build acts of daily reparation in order to become instruments of Love. Discover in the following article what you can do to feel closer and closer to the Savior.

"I have seen their ways, but I will heal them; I will guide them and restore comfort to Israel’s mourners." Isaiah 57:18

If we understand that reparation and forgiveness stand as two essential pillars that support the relationship between humanity and the divine.

These pillars, as fundamental as they are transcendental, offer a path towards inner healing and the restoration of broken relationships, shaping a path illuminated by God's grace and mercy. 

Dominated by haste and superficiality, society tends to move away from the profound and transformative teachings of spirituality.

We find ourselves in an era where individualism and intolerance blur the importance of reparative attitudes, generating conflicts that undermine inner peace and challenge the fundamental principles of love and compassion.

The act of forgiveness and reparation is not only a gesture of magnanimity, but also a reflection of wisdom and connection with the transcendental. The ability to free the heart from the burden of resentment and revenge opens the door to the light of divine love, allowing the soul to rise above adverse circumstances to spiritual wholeness.

"You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea." Micah 7:19

However, in this spiritual journey, there are two fundamental elements: forgiveness and reparation. When we practice forgiveness, we not only free others from their mistakes, but we also free our soul from the burden of bitterness and resentment. We move closer to the Lord's designs as we leave broken relationships behind and find healing in divine love and grace.

Today's world presents us with constant challenges, and on many occasions, we face difficult moments, deep hurts and disappointments that can unbalance our inner peace.

But it is in these turbulent times that divine grace plays a fundamental role: as we draw close to God in times of storm, we find the strength and comfort needed to heal our inner wounds.

Making amends is not only an act of courage, but also a symbol of love and trust in God. When we forgive, we make the decision to release resentment and revenge, embracing the teaching to love even those who have hurt us. It is to set aside pride and seek reconciliation, following the divine command to forgive and pray for those who have caused us pain.

"Restore us, O God; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved!" Psalm 80:3

In this process, let us remember that we are also beings in need of forgiveness. Just as we seek reparation, we must recognize our own humanity and need for divine grace to move forward in our faith journey.

Recognizing God as our supreme guide implies accepting His perfect wisdom. We seek His direction at every step, understanding that in the act of repairing, we remove the obstacles between Him and us, allowing His peace to renew our being.

In seeking peace and restoration, let us remember that forgiveness and reparation are the foundations that bring us closer to the love and grace of the Heavenly Father. Let us entrust ourselves to Him, let us learn to forgive, to repair and to live in harmony with the wisdom He gives us to build healthy and restorative attitudes in our daily lives.

"For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." Matthew 6:14-15

The act of making amends involves not only apologizing, but also cultivating a compassionate and loving disposition toward those who have hurt us. It is an act of courage and spiritual maturity that challenges us to set aside pride and vengeance to embrace understanding and compassion toward our fellow human beings.

Reparation and forgiveness not only free us from the past, but also prepare us for a future marked by wisdom and empathy. They allow us to recognize our own failings, reminding us that we also need to be forgiven, and they guide us onto a path of humility and constant spiritual growth.

Ultimately, the quest for reparation and forgiveness is a call to humanity to align itself with the core values of love, compassion and divine grace. It is an invitation to recognize that, through the act of reparation and forgiveness, we find the path to spiritual wholeness and harmony with God and our fellow human beings.

Previous articles

The Strength of Our Hearts

Strategies for a Balanced Existence

How to Live in Peace with Our Mistakes

The Key to Inner Peace

Divine Truth in Our Daily Journey