"One who forgives an affront fosters friendship, but one who dwells on disputes will alienate a friend."

Proverbs 17:9

Set aside the anger

I had argued with a colleague at work because of a difference in opinion and it bothered me a lot. I had not been able to speak to her in order to reach a common ground, and because of it, she still had some misgivings about the situation. Every time we interacted, I felt that something had changed in our daily relationship, that we could no longer work together the way we did before. So I started to avoid her, to make excuses not to meet up with her or share activities with her. Little by little I realized that this only caused more frustration and that not understanding what was happening to me would make it very difficult for me to address it.


Often when we are angry about something we usually turn inwards. We do not express the thing that bothers us and we are not sincere with what is happening to us. Facing what is happening to us and putting it into words, or forgiving if it is required will give us a lot more clarity and tranquility in order to continue. Remaining upset or overwhelmed by a situation that we can not understand will only bring us more darkness. Therefore, it is important that we speak to God the Father in those times, heeding His advice during our times of confusion will give us peace.