“ So we say with confidence, 'The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?' ”

Hebrews 13:6

Resting in God the Father

In the current society, it is very common for us to suffer our lives in relation to others, for reasons like violence, competition, or other factors generally related to material ambition. And in that manner it is probable that we will lose perspective bit by bit, unable to recognize where to find what is really important, and chasing dreams that are not our own. Jesus teaches us the true value of life.


From His example we witness the humility and the peace with which He traveled, because He carried the word of the Lord in Himself. And we, as children of God, are capable of living with the same joy. Because of that, let us not be overwhelmed by the superficial things of humanity, and trust in God the Father who accompanies us; let us always be in contact with Him through prayer, and embrace His word.