Who is Who on the Map of Heaven: The 3 hierarchies of angels and their functions

He said, “Surely they are my people, children who will be true to me”; and so he became their Savior. In all their distress he too was distressed, and the angel of his presence saved them. In his love and mercy, he redeemed them; he lifted them up and carried them all the days of old.” Isaiah 63:8-9

Angels are heavenly creatures that were created at the foundation of the world. They are divided into three hierarchies and each houses three orders. The first hierarchy is composed of seraphim, cherubim, and thrones. The seraphim serve as caretakers of the throne of God and continually sing his praises. They are said to surround the throne of God, regulating the movement of the heavens.

Cherubs are the guardians of light and stars. Although they are not on the plane of human reality, their divine light filters from the sky and touches the lives of men. Finally, the thrones are related to the actions of men. They are entities that were formerly known as Star Spirits. They keep a record of human actions and are also the builders of the universal order.

“I, Daniel, was troubled in spirit, and the visions that passed through my mind disturbed me. I approached one of those standing there and asked him the meaning of all this.” Daniel 7:15-16

The second hierarchy is composed of the dominations, who have the task of regulating the duties of lower angels. They receive orders from seraphs, cherubs, or even from God. They are responsible for ensuring that the universe maintains its order. We also find the virtues, whose duty is to supervise different groups of people.

They are in the form of rays of light that inspire humanity in different ways. Finally, there are the powers, which are responsible for safeguarding consciousness and history. The angels of death and birth fall into this category. Their duty, moreover, is to oversee the distribution of powers among humans.

“I, Daniel, was troubled in spirit, and the visions that passed through my mind disturbed me. I approached one of those standing there and asked him the meaning of all this.” Daniel 3:19

The third and last hierarchy is made up of the principalities, who are the guardians of nations and countries. They supervise those events that affect nations, including politics, military issues, and trade; The archangels, who tend the areas of human endeavor and are the administrative leaders of the celestial beings.

An archangel is usually given a task of importance to humanity; and finally, the angels, who are the lowest order in the angelic hierarchy and the best known to men. They are the ones most related to human affairs.

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