Verses that will open your eyes and your heart.

At certain times we forget the strength that lies within our heart thanks to the Holy Spirit. These reflections will allow you to recover the strength you need to advance on the path of truth and light.

“Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.” Psalms 126:5-6

The purpose of certain creatures that inhabit the Lord's earth turns out to be transcendental. As fish were conceived to swim, birds to fly, the sun to give light and warmth, we will then understand that our hearts were created to follow God's guidance. This hope must remain unalterable because, in the first place, we received the Faith through Baptism from a very young age. This act of Faith from our family members unknowingly initiates us on the path of our Savior. Each and every one of the seeds that are within us must be cared for and we must let them develop, accompanied by acts of Faith. Acts that allow us to multiply their sprouts of love towards God. 

“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.” Proverbs 3:3-4

No matter how deep we have fallen into sin, no matter how lost and desperate we are, we must always understand that Jesus has already saved us. It is to Him we must entrust ourselves and we will be set free by calling upon His name. We will not require a special mediator to obtain his protection or the forgiveness of sins since the distance between man and the presence of God was extinguished by the divine act of the Cross. Thus he cleansed our guilty consciences and we had unlimited access to Jesus. From that day on, we are with him in Paradise.

At school, at home, and in our jobs we can teach by word and example. It will be our guarantee of success and will spread to all hearts that surround us

 “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39

How easy it is for us to throw in the towel when the situation does not go as we had planned, isn't it? We are even tempted to think that we did something wrong and that is why God sends us that deserved punishment. It is at that moment that we curse and think: Why did I follow all your words and act from faith, now you treat me this way? In reality, what our Lord wants is for you to know yourself in that scenario, in that same difficult situation. He wants you to overcome this experience because He knows you and He knows very well that you are strong and skillful to resist and resolve it. 

"If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth." 1 John 1:6

How many times have you given up in the face of a problem? Then think about whether sidestepping it or just giving up brought you closer to God? Do you think that's the way the Heavenly Father wants you to know Him? Don't give up. Don't be afraid of the unknown or that leap of faith you must take. What you need is to be confident and believe in God to see those results you long for. It will be a true reward for the faith you kept in him in those moments of misfortune. Do not let them rob you of the satisfaction of receiving the Lord daily. In prayer, in your actions, in your heart. Be overflowing in gestures towards our Lord and show him that you are with him. Our father is faithful to his word, that is why he will never leave you alone. You must be sure that God is the home of all those who wish to make him their refuge.

Previous articles

Reconciling the Past with Faith

Growing Exponentially with Faith

Faith in Everyday Life