The Value of Friendship. Reflections to Keep this Wonderful Blessing Active.

We use the term Friendship so many times that, as time goes by, we lose the dimension and weight that this word has. However, it is one of the most beautiful Blessings that the Lord has given us and, as such, we should honor it in His name.

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” Proverbs 17:17 

Throughout our lives, we cultivate friendships of various kinds. There are so many people with whom we interact and with whom we feel fraternal affection that we may think that all of them will be there when we need them the most. We must understand that a friend is not only the one who accompanies us in moments of happiness but also those who walk with us in the most complicated moments of life.

In Proverbs 17:17 we can find the true essence of this wonderful feeling and the authentic and profound value of a friend.

This affective reciprocity is translated into values that those of us who walk with the Lord know very well. Friendship is based on selfless Love, Sincerity, Loyalty, and Respect. It is a Commitment with which God has blessed us and as such we must take care of it as a precious treasure of the Spirit.

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13 

Christ calls us friends and loves us unconditionally. This means that His love for us goes beyond our mistakes and defects. That is why it is fundamental to follow His example and apply it to our friendships.

Many times, due to differences of criteria with the other, we may feel distanced and even upset. However, if we know that it is an authentic friendship born from the heart, we must develop our gifts of humility, compassion, and faithfulness to understand the context in which the disagreements occur. Let us be receptive and willing to listen to what they want to tell us. What are their motivations and concerns and they will do the same with us.

Because, in the end, a friend is someone that the Lord has placed in our path to navigate, from this symbol of fraternal love, the moments of harvest and the most intense storms .

"Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor”. Ecclesiastes 4:9

In Ecclesiastes 4:9 we find the authentic motivation to remain united with our brothers and sisters. When our burdens become too heavy and we have the impression that we will not be able to face the challenge, we can always count on the support and advice of our friends. They will help us through the vicissitudes that arise in our lives. Let us be supportive and merciful with our brothers, let us be their support in times of distress, and never abandon them.

In this regard, it is good to recall the words of Pope Francis said on 03/02/14: "It is important to have friends in whom we can trust. But it is essential to have confidence in the Lord, who never fails”

“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.” 1 John 4:7

We must recognize friendship as a Gift from God, a Blessing through which the Lord allows us to continually improve and transform ourselves.

The hand of the Highest is in every act of Love and that is why it is necessary to sign and make our Spirit of Gratitude grow with God the Father since the presence of friendships in difficult times are proofs of His Closeness, Comfort and Mercy.

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