The Miracle that Renews the Spirit

Christmas is a special and unique date that brings us together in communion with the family. It is an opportune moment to forgive and to understand that this event is a miracle.

The word Christmas comes from the Latin "Nativitatem", which means "birth". From this same root comes the word "Nativity", which means "birth". Thus, "nativity" and "Christmas" are used to denote the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ in Bethlehem, which means "place where bread is born".

The Bible does not give us an exact date for the birth of Jesus, so a suitable time could not be assigned until the Roman tradition of aligning the celebration with the "sol Invicti in the face of darkness", which is celebrated on December 25, was adopted. In this way, the birth of Jesus marked a before and after in the development of the Holy Spirit on Earth.

We find a unique description of that moment in Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 2:1-20, Isaiah 7:14, 9:6. These passages tell us that the child born that night was a miracle of God's creation. With a pre-existing mantle in the heavenly kingdom, the creator revealed himself to human beings to worship and learn from the Faith.

Christmas has a biblical significance that transcends the current meaning of holidays celebrated around the world. The arrival of new life everywhere means pure love. To give and receive it, without doubting that this new creature needs us and we will learn and incorporate this feeling in our hearts. In this particular case, it is the love of God that has come to Earth.

This celebration should bring us together and allow us to receive the blessings of the Heavenly Father. We must vindicate the traditions of the family, remembering that "suddenly a multitude of heavenly beings appeared beside the shepherds and praised God with these words: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men" Luke 2:13-14.

The little ones, who are eager for gifts and sweets, are the ones who should most incorporate the value of this feast. We should take advantage of this space of communion to give thanks for the fraternal union and prayerfully deposit the value of the Holy Spirit. "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given" Isaiah 9:5-6.

Today, it is important to rethink the celebration of Christmas. Giving an indispensable value in the life of the community, the birth of Jesus has become something that is not in keeping with the simple and discreet ceremony that took place at the time. Christmas has been commercialized and is full of consumerism, distancing us from its true meaning.

It is important to remember that Christmas is the moment when God's love became flesh and came to live among us. We should take this opportunity to draw closer to God and to our loved ones. Christmas is an occasion to share the love, peace and joy that Jesus brought to the world.

Instead of focusing on consumerism and getting gifts, we should focus on the true meaning of Christmas. We should take time to pray and reflect on Jesus' coming to Earth. We should share love and kindness with others, for this is what Jesus taught us.

Christmas is a special and significant date in human history. It is the moment when God became flesh and came to live among us. We should remember its meaning and take this opportunity to draw closer to God and our loved ones, sharing the love and kindness that Jesus taught us.

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