The family and the World Cup - Don't neglect the love of your loved ones

In these moments that the soccer World Cup is being played, millions of people are focused on everything that happens in this sporting event. It would seem that these types of situations affect the normal life of many families, that they disconnect from the Holy Spirit and the love that is generated by this niche of learning and Faith. 

1) Losing direction for the Soccer World Cup

There are many excuses when relegating the love of our family.  Sons and daughters, wife or husband we all wish to share with the Lord every moment in communion. What are we thinking that we don't consider as priority the family nucleus as a source of repair and spiritual Joy? We are in the soccer World Cup time and there does not seem to be any other concern. Everywhere there is talk about the performances of the teams and players.

One loses himself in pointless conversations. It even changes his mood upon arriving home and his team has lost a game or simply a player did not perform on the field as he should. This is one of the better examples in reality that should generate a profound alert in our conscience. We are claiming a superficial and fleeting emotion that absolutely does not connect to the Faith nor the Holy Spirit, the pillars that our families need at all times.

2) Depositing our Faith in the wrong place.

Can we really hope and pretend that a "hero" (as they are sometimes called), can give us happiness and love in an eternal manner? Many times Faith and Hope are placed on these sports figures of flesh and bone, such as the soccer players or the selection of teams that represent the World Cup.

If we follow the path highlighted by Jesus and our Heavenly Father, we will never let the fanaticism get carried away to these mundane levels of emotional control. Neither will the problems brought on by a game of soccer emerge, since our heart is daily given to God in prayer, giving ourselves to His plan of salvation and eternal life.

3) Recovering the objective of the Holy Spirit 

It happens more frequently than we imagine. There exist certain distractions that blur the priorities  of our life's such as being mothers and fathers. Sometimes it could be about work at our jobs and the phrase "I don't have enough time in the day" or "I am too tired, I just got home from work", to give an answer and relegate the attention of our children.

We must remember that they, with love and alot of energy, demand our tenderness, for daily games and many times in search of answers that allow them complement their learning in school, in the University, or in their daily development. That is the mission that God gave us to be able to pass on the values of the Holy Bible. To continue forward with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit and the Faith it is cultivated in the womb of our family.

4) Protecting the true value of the Faith

How do we keep from admiring the Creator of the world, of life, of everything that surrounds us. What other reason could we find to not push forward in a life full of emotions, of feelings of joy and Glory that show us the teachings put forth by the Holy Spirit.

Our Father in the kingdom of heaven, is who most wishes that we may be able to fulfill ourselves next to our loved ones, constituting a family, settling in a home, consolidating to each of our decisions reflected in the certainties of the Faith. Pray with the steadfastness that the soul requires and with the education we receive on behalf of those who decidedly wished that we have a future of joy and Glory next to Jesus. 


5) What family communion offers. 

If we take the decision to confirm a family under the responsibilities that Faith establishes, we therefore understand that there cannot exist other priorities in our lives. There is no event nor circumstance that can distance the love from the womb that nurtures each of its members with the purification of sins. Everyone walking together down the same path of hope and light, we shed all doubt that comes from any external action or circumstance. 

We must support one another. From the most adult, who with their experience can guide the youngest, that go into the world with doubts and demands never experienced before. To the freshness and optimism of the children, who support the elders in the household with moments of introspection through their energy.

6) The overcoming prize

Also the youngest of the family must be willing and attentive to the needs that our father and our mother have. It is the fanaticism for the sports or the artists that many times isolate them from that unique moment of sharing with the family. 

It is these moments of intimacy next to the Holy Spirit, that they will always remember and that leave us with the most important lessons and teachings throughout our life (and not a simple result of a soccer championship). Jesus wants us to shine in the full meaning of the word, from the heart, for us to arrive pure to the temple of eternal salvation. 

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