Simple Actions to Reconnect with Reality

Simple actions that will connect us with our spirituality and bring us closer to a different path in life.

"I lift up my eyes to the mountains— does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2

Some days of our life are much like an infinite staircase. As in a dream, a staircase on which we never reach the end. We go up or down in a movement that never seems to end. As long as we go in the direction we have chosen, we do not complain. But when our steps do not bring us closer to the desired goal, our attitude changes. We begin to express discomfort, discomfort, we feel that the goal is never reached, no matter how hard we try. Have you ever felt this overwhelm and frustration?

"Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes." Ephesians 6:11

With your inner strength you are able to take control of your present moment and walk the way of the Lord. People take their steps responsibly and remember that we are not alone, since the Holy Spirit accompanies us day by day. You will see how well you perceive all the blessings of the Heavenly Father, who prepares us and helps us to improve ourselves daily. In prayer and doing good deeds, you will reconnect with your purposes and experience a wonderful sense of love and inner peace. 

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groan." Romans 8:26

It is time to start drawing a map to your Faith destiny. This is represented by drawing the broad outlines of the projects you want to see materialized according to the Heavenly Father's plan.

Make a list of your intentions, then design small daily goals that will bring you closer to each of your personal and professional objectives.

Be flexible and have the ability to connect with your loved ones, allowing you to explore and deepen your spirituality. Always remember that you will be able to correct your course when something does not go as you wish and those learnings that appear in your life cross them off the list.

"We love because he first loved us." 1 John 4:19

Every day let's try to get up trying to be better people and improve in everything we do. At work, in our career, or in our personal projects.

It is in this career that we sometimes forget why we have chosen to be here, what is the true meaning of our actions.

Are we really interested in being close to God? Perhaps we will find more sincere answers in the depth of things. Rethinking our goals at different moments of our journey will help us not to lose our focus and let ourselves be attracted by other people's goals.

Remember that each path is unique and each goal is as personal as it is special.

Creating our own paths will allow us to feel deeply connected to Faith and the Holy Spirit. We will also feel a great deal of personal satisfaction knowing that we are on the path of light. Be encouraged to open your heart right now.

Previous articles

Learning to Take Care of Life

Recovering the Ability to Forgive

Adopting a Life Full of Love