Repairing Wounds of the Heart

If we still have some healing to be done inwardly, the time to activate the repair is today. Learn with these verses to overcome any adversity of the past with the Holy Spirit.

"For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6

Some of the situations we have lived through have been responsible for generating cracks in us, for filling us with fissures. Sometimes we individually create, consciously or unconsciously, some others and it is there where an enormous range of possibilities resides.

Those scars become an occasion to be reborn resilient, with more wisdom, connecting us with the Lord.

Those sorrows are opportunities for change so that we can better face the world, which at times seems unjust and tyrannical.

Broken things should not be thrown away, not discarded. The same goes for human beings, the people around us. They are not to be consumed and discarded at the first failure, the first breakage.

God teaches us that we should not do that either with objects or with people. People are not to be consumed: they are loved, cared for, loved and nurtured.  

"Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15-16

When presented with a complicated situation or scenario, a pain, or a loss, we must try to overcome the situation, neither deny it nor discard it.

Jesus proposes us to manifest his transformation, with his example of life, with the scars on his skin, demonstrating deep connection with his cause and his beliefs.

The very positive energy, love and faith that is within each person can attract us and for other moments, in which we want to run away, we can't stand it for more than a few minutes.

These are fleeting, temporary sensations and emotions. When we feel out of control or with an uncertain direction, let us try to look for examples that surround us with wisdom and spiritual calm. In the Holy Word you can quench your thirst for stories and people who worked miracles with Jesus, increasing the Glory of God in every action and decision.

"If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." James 1:5

We have a history of our own, Our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus were witnesses of emotions, comings and goings, different sensations throughout life. They know us and know when to reach out to lend us a hand. By listening to us in prayer and daily prayer, we can be more connected to the Holy Spirit. Recovering the hope necessary to feel happy, joyful and cultivating the gifts God has given us.

It is important to be aware that what surrounds you affects your life directly. Then it is likely that the same thing is happening in your mind. If you are in a period of inner clarity, try to reach out to people who need you. Perhaps your voice and your help will calm someone who needs some peace of mind.

If, on the other hand, you need a conversation with yourself, a friend, a friend or a trusted family member, don't hesitate to reach out. They will be more than happy to help you, involving the Lord in this universal healing.

"Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?” For it is not wise to ask such questions." Ecclesiastes 7:10

We were taught at many times that we must achieve to achieve a result, when in reality what should matter to us is how we go about that process.

The focus on processes will help us to try to give it our all, step by step, calmly and patiently, our path being accompanied by the Glory of the Lord.

We must remember that success is not only the point of arrival, success is also the process we go through to feel better.

Healing the heart is a delicate path, which requires time and dedication. This path, we must recognize, has a consequence: each small improvement becomes a micro victory, which then accumulates with another, and another, leading us to happiness, bringing us closer and closer to our Savior