Recognizing the Truth in Our Heart

When we feel the truth emerge from within us. Explore in the following article different ways to open yourself to the Lord.

"I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope." Psalm 130:5

We must always remember that all thoughts and emotions can be channeled into decisions.

Depending on the type of decision we make and the actions we take, we can find ourselves living a life of fulfillment or a life far from the Faith.

You can think and determine what we attract in life. For some reason in your thoughts emerges the idea that there are some people who do not want good things for you. That these same people are the cause of the bad things that happen to you at this time.

People cannot influence negatively in your life if you do not allow it. Always remember that God has prepared a divine mission for you to learn and walk a path of blessings.

You must always know how to protect yourself, keeping your hope and faith in the Lord, even in the worst moments.

When everything is shaky, you must stop and ask the Heavenly Father in prayer to guide your thoughts and emotions, to manifest the truth of his intentions, because you need his peace and love to move forward.

"Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God." Psalm 42:11

Some people and relationships we forge along our path with the Holy Spirit can teach us. Others we can become mirrors of.

If you are quick-tempered, your environment will absorb that energy. If you are cheerful, you will probably make a joke and your friends will return another joke and smile.

The same will happen with the connection we have with the Holy Spirit. We are a constant dialectic, a movement from one pole to the other, in which what we do and feel is reflected all the time as in a mirror in front of God.

You are responsible for your own happiness, for your own actions, for the way you connect with your family, your loved ones, your friends.

Share joyful moments of pure love with the people who are with you every day: you will see that our God will be present with his blessings. Showing you really who are the beings of light that surround you every day and help you to move forward.

"Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him." Psalm 62:1

If the influence you perceive comes from external factors, you should analyze your personal situation a bit.

For example, some kind of economic problem in your country, or situations that you cannot even understand, but that in some way may interfere in your desires or plans for the future.

In any case, you must understand that in this path of hope, love and faith in God, you are in control.

Notice that there are people and examples of life that show you that they can survive and grow despite the crises and problems that arise.

If we really understand that the scenarios that are presented at this time of our lives are for learning, to improve our flexibility of action and emotions, then we will be in the presence of a divine act of faith and hope in front of the Holy Spirit.

"But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul." Deuteronomy 4:29

If you manage to build routines and processes that protect your inner self from negativity, you will find it easier and easier to surround yourself with the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes life in a big city can take you away from the calm. It is understandable. You feel like you are running all the time, and you can't stop. Your body no longer belongs to you, it belongs to a clock that runs and doesn't stop.

If you find yourself at this point, in this moment of feeling this kind of emotions foreign to your being, you should try to reconnect in prayer with God. Try to open your thoughts and sensations to the Holy Spirit, sincere and calming all those thoughts that deviate you from the course of spirituality and healing repair that the Lord presents to us.

Try to remove every drop of pessimism and negativity from your speech, to make room for the Word of God. So that it enters every corner of your body and manifests itself in your daily actions.

Remember that there are other people around you who can help you reconnect your heart with God, but you must be available, with your eyes open, knowing that in reality the pure truth emerges from the temple of Heaven.