Receive the Unconditional Love of the Lord

Open your heart and receive one of the most powerful and fundamental sensations for a fulfilling spiritual life. Discover in the following verses a path full of blessings for you.

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.” 1 Corinthians 13:4

It is important to understand that love does not only refer to romantic relationships, but also extends to the relationship with God and with other human beings. Love is essential to building a true and eternal connection with the Holy Spirit. Often, we get lost in our own doubts and fears and forget the importance of feeling and expressing that love.

Therefore, it is essential to open our hearts and trust another person, as this allows us to exercise patience, active listening and self-love.

Finding someone with whom we can connect in a special way is a valuable gift. When we feel that person is the right one, we must cultivate that love day by day, incorporating values that nurture our path to enlightenment of the soul.

Working as a team allows us to feel more gratified, but it is important to remember that there are also rules of coexistence that we must follow to support the other person in his or her most difficult moments.

“And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.” Colossians 3:14

In the Bible, we are urged to add to our faith virtue, understanding self-control, steadfastness devotion to God, brotherly affection, love. The idea is to strengthen our relationship with God and with others, building a network of emotional support to help us in the most difficult moments.

Jesus' sacrifice on the cross is an example of the love he had for his family, and we must learn to receive the love of others. Sometimes we have hearts hardened by the fear of suffering, but it is important to have the decision and the power of attraction necessary to feel free and with mutual love.

Love that comes from different sources. From romantic relationships and extends to all human relationships. But it is important to practice unconditional love, forgiving others and treating everyone with respect and compassion. Christian love is also expressed through charity and helping the less fortunate.

“And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:39

Love is one of the main teachings in Christianity, since it is fundamental to connect us with God, with others and with ourselves. It is important to cultivate love day by day, work as a team and follow the rules of coexistence to build a network of emotional support to help us in the most difficult moments.

Jesus' sacrifice on the cross is a reminder of the love we should have for others and we should be willing to receive love from others, despite our fears and doubts. This unconditional love enables us to forgive others and treat them with respect and compassion. Christian love also manifests itself through charity and helping the less fortunate.

In daily life, it is crucial to remember that our loved ones reach out to us with love and give their hearts. The way in which their energy is deposited in caresses, in some kind of daily game and many times in search of answers that allow them to complement their day-to-day learning is a reflection of God's love for us. This is the mission entrusted to us by our Heavenly Father to transmit the values of the Holy Bible to all the people around us.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35

To live a life full of emotions, feelings of joy and the Glory that the teachings mobilized by the Holy Spirit show us, is a testimony of the love we feel towards our Creator. To admire the creator of the world, of life, of all that surrounds us, and to recognize that there is no other reason to lead a full life, is a way of honoring that love.

Our Father from the kingdom of Heaven, wishes that we can fulfill ourselves with our loved ones, forming a family, settling in a home, consolidating each of our decisions reflected in certainties of Faith. Praying with firmness and with the education we received from those who longed for us to have a future of hope and glory with Jesus, strengthens us and guides us on our path.

If we make the decision to form a family under the responsibilities established by the Faith, we understand that there can be no other priority in our lives. There is no event or circumstance that can keep love away from the bosom of this bond that nourishes each of its members with the purification of sins. Walking all together on the same path of hope and light, we strip away all doubts that come from any external fact or circumstance.

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