Non-Stop: Supporting Our Hope

Let us continue without doubts or questioning this learning path. Get to know the path through the following article.

"Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare." Psalms 40:5

It is natural to wonder why millions of people follow Jesus and how they feel differently. As Christians, we have understood the word of God since childhood. In our families we received this message by opening our hearts to faith and striving for holy justice that promotes equality among people. It is a way of living, thinking and loving.

However, we should not feel bad if we do not see God in the same way. If faith has not entered our lives and nourished our blood with its light, we can meet Jesus again. We can do this through prayer, reading the Bible or watching our fellow worshipers join the procession.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens." Ecclesiastes 3:1

There is no other way to approach our Father. There is no recipe and this is not a special kind. Vice versa. What makes the Holy Spirit unique is that He comes at the right time for each person who desires to make that turnaround in faith. There are no requirements to begin this journey, but there are responsibilities as good Christians not to lose sight of our mission, the same mission that Jesus undertook on the cross, where he showed us all his love and goodness, opening the gates of heaven and connecting us with God.

It is important to recognize the value we have as individuals, whether we are part of a family, a group of friends or co-workers. We have the capacity to perform tasks and jobs, or simply to realize ourselves as beings in the way that best suits us. These elements characterize us as people and give us the ability to have a fundamental and basic self-esteem to feel a positive self-esteem.

"Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish. Look on my affliction and my distress and take away all my sins." Psalm 25: 16-18

This sense of belonging deepens and increases even more when the people around us radiate joy and love. Now we don't think we have anything to add:

Faith. Not being in a new country does not mean being an outsider or feeling out of place. Indeed, it means a world full of blessings and opportunities that our Father will place in each of His children. This is a distinguishing feature, for from now on we have an inheritance and the opportunity to receive eternal life in heaven. The revelation of each person to the Holy Spirit gives us the opportunity to understand the purpose of life in society. The unity that is built among Christians is understood as friendship.

This collaboration of God the Father may surprise you if you are not part of this divine journey. But for those of us who have been believers for a long time, without waiting for Jehovah to give us a sign before acting, we clearly understand that we are taking steps to follow his will. This power opens doors and opportunities when we least expect it and when we need it most. If you feel that God has not surprised you these days, it may be because you have not given yourself completely in faith to follow according to His plan.

"‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes." Mark 9:23

It is important to remember that faith is not only receiving, but also giving. By surrendering completely to faith, we allow God to surprise us and work in our lives in unimaginable ways. It is a path of trust and selflessness, in which our actions and our decisions are in accordance with the principles of love, compassion and justice that Jesus taught us. We do not wait for signs or promises before taking a leap of faith. Instead, let us trust the Holy Spirit to guide us and surprise us with every step we take.  

Faith is not only about believing, but also about living. It is a process that transforms our existence, filling it with meaning and purpose. When we open ourselves to faith, we encounter a love without measure and an abundant grace that transcends human limits. We feel God's presence in our lives and become instruments of his love and grace in the world.

Previous articles

Learning to Take Care of Life

Recovering the Ability to Forgive

Adopting a Life Full of Love

Independence of the Heart