The Key to Inner Peace

The mistakes and deviations help us regain strength and hope. Learn different life lessons in the following article.

"Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." Colossians 3:13

If we manage to pay attention to the small changes we can make daily in our routine, decisions that will establish a new approach and a new way of acting in the face of unforeseen events, problems, and conflict scenarios present in our lives, we will be beginning to connect more deeply with the Holy Spirit.

As insignificant as they may seem, a change in focus, communication, and even attitude towards adversities can be the key that unlocks the difficult moment we are going through or that deviation from the path of Faith that we seem to perceive.

Try to observe, listen to others, and contrast the problem or situation with your loved ones. Do not ignore anyone; they could give you a vision that will bring you closer to understanding what is happening inside you with your feelings and thoughts.

Our inner being turns out to be a whole with God; when we are so close to Him, we will have a differential and unique perspective on life.

Observe the whole, and always consult in prayer to His wisdom, as He will always accompany you on the path of spiritual healing.

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had." Romans 15:5

Faith unites brothers and sisters under the same conditions. Upon receiving the eternal Glory of the Savior, we become part of a group of enlightened people, marching with dignity alongside our loved ones and family members with the same heavenly mission: to forgive, love, and help others.

A large family that helps us to be safe in the different planes of life. Keeping us firm and progressing from prayer, cultivating Faith with the reading of the Bible, and always remembering that Jesus gave His life so we could evolve.

"Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:10

Why, then, do we remain in a passive and disconnected attitude from the Lord? If we truly long to build a 100% happy personality connected with spirituality, we have an opportunity right now.

Everything is possible on His path of enlightenment. Nothing is foreign to His eyes. Seeking the necessary peace for reconciliation with our Heavenly Father and our inner being.

Jesus will open hearts empty of hope and lacking motivation. We must always try to deepen our relationship with the Holy Spirit daily.

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1

Taking a step back and looking at things in perspective can be beneficial to get back on God's path of light.

It is the way to strategically plan how your life will evolve alongside Faith, making decisions that will lead you to follow the Lord's mission.

If you are not living life as you wish, either spiritually or in personal fulfillment, you can take a leap of Faith right now and make concrete changes in your journey.

Understanding the circumstances, observing the entire panorama, will lead you to a good port. We cannot always achieve the set objectives immediately. It is a process, and as such, it takes time.

But start visualizing what you desire, praying, reading the Holy Scriptures, and most importantly, do not give up on improving your life, but always keep your heart open to the universal healing of the Holy Spirit.