Independence of the Heart

You must simply trust and follow the path of the Holy Spirit. Find in the following article a guide for your spiritual being.

"Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me." Psalm 54:4

In the maelstrom of modern life, where responsibilities and demands overwhelm us, it is easy to succumb to the illusion of control. We believe that we are masters of our destiny, that our actions completely determine the course of our lives.

However, this belief is only a mirage that leads us away from the true path of faith. We forget that God is the architect of our existence, the weaver of our dreams and the guide of our steps.

When we achieve goals, big or small, be it a job promotion, a university degree or a personal triumph, we are overcome with a sense of satisfaction and pride. However, this feeling can be deceptive if we do not recognize the hand of God in our achievements.

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10

It is He who grants us the talent, perseverance and opportunities necessary to achieve our goals. Without His grace and mercy, our efforts would be in vain. Sometimes, however, we fall into the trap of the illusion of control. We take full credit for our accomplishments, forgetting the divine intervention in our lives. This arrogance leads us away from humility and gratitude, clouding our vision of reality.

It is important to recognize that the illusion of control is an illusion, a false belief that leads us away from the truth. It makes us believe that we are independent of God, that we are solely responsible for our success.

This belief leads us to make serious mistakes. We can begin to feel superior to others, despising the contribution of those around us and denying the need for help from both the Lord and others.

"Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God." 2 Corinthians 3:5

It is critical to remember that no one achieves success alone. Behind every achievement is a network of support, consisting of family, friends, mentors and, of course, God. When we lose the ability to recognize and be thankful for the help we receive, we distance ourselves from the love and grace of the Lord.

The illusion of control transforms us into self-centered beings, unable to see beyond our own accomplishments. It prevents us from recognizing the blessings God bestows on us daily and leads us to believe that we are deserving of everything good that happens to us.

To avoid falling into this trap, we must cultivate humility and gratitude. Let us remember that all our achievements are the product of the love and grace of God, who has given us life, talent and opportunities to achieve our goals.

"But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me." 2 Corinthians 12:9

If we have achieved our goals, it is because God has so disposed and because He has used the people around us to propel us into the future.

Let us ask our Heavenly Father to free us from pride and haughtiness, to keep humility and the gift of gratitude alive in us, and to guide us always along the path of goodness.

Let us remember that God is present in every step we take, and that His love and grace accompany us at all times. Let us trust in Him and be grateful for the blessings He bestows on us, recognizing that our achievements are the fruit of His infinite goodness.

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Reconciling the Past with Faith

Growing Exponentially with Faith

Faith in Everyday Life