How do I Strengthen My Confidence? 4 Bible Verses that get you closer to God

Let us remember that trust in the Lord is fundamental to keep us on the path of Light with which He has blessed us.

Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, “See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.” John 5:14

Everyday challenges can present different aspects. There are labor, livelihood, economic, health and family challenges. We must be prepared to overcome these obstacles and know that they are likely to be repeated on more than one occasion in our lives. But how do we weather the storms that come our way successfully?

To begin with, we must remain calm and put all our trust in God since only He can give us the strength to push us on when all seems lost. With Him, optimism and the desire to face our challenges flourish within us. In him we can develop without fear or anxiety .

“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Matthew 21:22

It is important to distinguish that when we put our trust in the Lord we also enable the possibility of facing those challenges that we have postponed for years because we wrongly believed that they had no solution. These problems without definition grow over time, becoming a shadow that haunts us night and day. Many times it happens that we feel uncomfortable and we don't know why. Not solving the weight of our burdens can lead us to the undesirable situation of learning to live with our frustrations and fears.

Then it becomes essential to approach God, without fear, without doubt and with the gift of humility to stand up to adversity. Together with Him, we can do everything.

“Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.” Psalms 143:8

It can happen, at times, that the solutions we expect from our Heavenly Father are slow to arrive or do not arrive at the time that we believe is correct. In those cases, it should be remembered that the Lord's times are perfect as well as different from those that we as mere mortals can understand. When we go through a conflict or a difficult instance, we must bear in mind that the Lord has already heard our prayers and remains by our side until the resolution of it.

As we retrace the path, hand in hand with the Highest, let us recognize his presence in everyday things: A moment with our families, a ray of sunshine, the smile of a child, the wisdom of an old man. Let us not stop marveling at the Blessings that God the Father gives us every day because from there much of the strength we need to continue is nourished.

 “But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” James 1:6

We are in a propitious moment to approach the Grace of God. Let us experience the joy of knowing that we have his presence every day and that he has chosen us. A good exercise is to write down on a sheet all the challenges that we are going through and also those that we have abandoned. Then we can make a review of all the storms that we have overcome throughout time Blessed by the Mercy of the Lord. We will be surprised by the long list that will be made up of the battles that we have fought with Christ and in which we have been victorious.

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