How to Forgive in Life?

The deep dialogue with the Lord will help us work on Forgiveness. When we forgive, besides fulfilling the Word of God, we are restoring in our lives peace of spirit, joy, gratitude and the certain possibility of nourishing with Love our Hope with God.

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32

Keeping anger or pain against another person and, at the same time, completely lacking the feeling of Forgiveness in our heart, brings very negative consequences to our life. When we have this type of behavior we run the risk of losing Peace of Spirit, the Joy that the Lord gives us every day, and even our health.

When we share our most bitter feelings with our Heavenly Father, we can understand how much He loves us and how we were forgiven by His Infinite Mercy. When we become aware of this wonderful Blessing, we will know that we, too, are capable of Forgiveness and in this way, we will see how our heaviest burdens are lightened.

“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” Colossians 3:13

The decision to Forgive, however, is not as easy as we think. It is not a mere word game where we decree it and, magically, things go back to normal. It does not mean that we suddenly think that they have done right by us or that the action no longer causes us pain.

When we forgive, we do not ask for any compensation for damages or losses received. What we are really deciding is not to hold resentment against the one who offends us, even if we have more than justified reasons to be upset. However, we must imitate God and forgive from the heart as soon as possible so that resentment and anger do not settle in our souls.

“You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you.” Psalms 86:5

It is very important to always be willing to strengthen our faith and have the confidence to go to God our Father in prayer to express our faults and fears. Forgiveness is a liberating act that strengthens us in the path that the Lord has designed for each one of us.

What are the benefits, then, of being compassionate and forgiving? One of the most harmful burdens that a human being can carry inside is resentment. When we live in resentment and disgust, what we lose, unfailingly, is Peace and Freedom. These feelings lead us to a state of permanent anger from which we cannot detach ourselves. Irritable states block the Blessings that the Lord pours on us every day.

We reach a point in which we can no longer enjoy any of the good things that happen to us in the Grace of God. Forgiving does not erase the past but it allows us to face the future with a free and clean look.

“But in your great mercy you did not put an end to them or abandon them, for you are a gracious and merciful God.” Nehemiah 9:31

Let us remember the words of Pope Francis at the morning Mass in Santa Marta, Colombia, 2014: "If you are not able to forgive, how can God forgive you? He wants to forgive you, but he cannot forgive you if your heart is closed, and mercy cannot enter".

To receive Christ in our heart is to completely remove any feeling of revenge or vengeance. Let us put all our efforts into forgiveness and let us ask our Lord for the temperance to forget the affronts we have suffered.

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