A life story to bring you closer to God

A 93 year old man, very ill, was hospitalized for weeks because of Covid-19. He was able to survive thanks to the intensive care of doctors, nurses and the help of an artificial respirator that allowed him to get by.

When he recovered and miraculously managed to get out of the hospital, he was asked to pay the bill for his care, in particular for the use of the ventilator, as it is a key element of the treatment.

This gentleman, who immediately started crying, was asked by the health center staff not to get upset about the payment. Immediately the old man whispered through his tears, "I'm not crying about the payment, I have the money to pay the bill for the respirator. I am crying because during my 93 years of life I was breathing God's air and I never paid for it. If it takes $500 to use a respirator in the hospital, how much money do I owe God then? I never thanked Him before for all the life He gave me". 

“For from him and through him and for him are all things.  To him be the glory forever! Amen.” Romans 11:36

Within our capabilities, sometimes it is difficult to give thanks in the midst of a complicated situation where problems and needs have overshadowed the blessings received, and there is no one in the world for whom absolutely all his life is a terrible nightmare, everyone, even in the midst of some difficulty has some reason to feel grateful, because the simple fact of being alive is already a reason to give thanks.

Sometimes our gratitude is so superficial that it only becomes a routine of prayer that we repeat and say by heart, we are grateful for the family, but perhaps not with the happiness that it really gives us to have a complete family, a father and a mother that if they were missing would leave a great emptiness, some brothers and sisters that in spite of the differences if something happened to them would be a pain that we would feel as our own, some children that if they suffered from an illness would keep us worried.

"give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Love, faith and gratitude are the perfect complement in our relationship with God, because all three are related to each other, if there is love there is gratitude, if there is gratitude it is because we trust in God and in his infinite love.

Knowing how to be thankful includes all time and moment, God's will is to know that in spite of everything we may be going through we are thankful to Him, to what we have and to what we have not yet received, but that by faith it will come according to His will and purpose. Never wait until you lose something that you already saw as monotonous or "normal" to realize the great value it has, everything, absolutely everything you possess today is a blessing, some come wrapped up ready to enjoy and some others you just have to know how to transform them with God's help.

'Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying:

“To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!” Revelation 5:13 '

Show God your gratitude, let Him know that even though you do not have everything in life you are happy with what He has given you up to this day, when you show Him that you care for His details however small He may be He will open the windows of heaven and pour out His shower of blessings upon your life.

If you would spend time in prayer just to be thankful for the things he has done in your life, you would be surprised how much there is to be thankful for, even those little things you have overlooked.

We almost always approach God more to ask than to thank, because even though we know that a prayer begins with gratitude, in many occasions we spend very little time to do it, because sometimes our need is so big that we give priority to it and we almost completely forget about everything else we have and for which we should be grateful.

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Reconciling the Past with Faith

Growing Exponentially with Faith

Faith in Everyday Life