Finding Your Happiness Again

How many minutes of your day have you been happy? Have you ever thought about it? Happiness comes in many forms in our lives. Do you recognize them?

"I will be glad and rejoice in you;  will sing the praises of your name, O Most High." Psalm 9:2
We tend to move forward in life, hoping to be a little closer to the Lord every day, but this distance seems to be always the same. Are we confusing happiness with something else?

Seeking happiness in a conscious way implies focusing on some basic pillars. Happiness is not synonymous with joy. We are far from thinking that being happy implies being with a smile on our face all the time, since that is not what it is about. Rather, it is about the attitude we take towards life and its difficulties.

That is why Jesus, at all times, was always happy to make present the Word of the Heavenly Father. Many times the adversities he lived through left us clear examples of how we should advance before the Lord's gaze.
His face did not always show a smile, but the Savior was always happy to be able to count on the support of the Holy Spirit.

"A happy heart makes the face cheerful, heartache crushes the spirit." Proverbs 15:13
If you manage to pay more attention to the little situations that make your day worthwhile, you will be able to enjoy the Lord's blessings in a different way.

We tend to rush through life, pursuing a firm and concrete objective, without paying attention to the rest of the universe around us. The Lord with his Glory will always be present with you.

It is time to open your field of vision and let in the love that surrounds you and comes from the Holy Spirit. You will find it in small gestures and situations, it is there by your side, you only have to turn your head. A smile from a stranger on public transportation, a kind greeting from a neighbor, the scene of a child expressing his wishes to his mother.

That tree that you cross your path and has begun to bloom, thanks to the divine intervention of the Heavenly Father, the song of the birds when you wake up, or the sun that rests on your face as you walk home.

Being able to thank God in prayer for all these creations, will allow you to connect with the happiness that is within you. It is small and beautiful, you just have to give it space, allow it to expand and grow. Happiness is daily with the Savior.

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Letting go of beliefs that no longer go hand in hand with your life, nor with the path of enlightenment that Jesus proposes, can bring tranquility and health to your days.

Being able to rethink your objectives at this time, trying to be sincere with your spirituality and about what is really important to you, will make your hours pass calmly, like a river that finds the way to where to flow.

Prayer will be your ally in these days, rely on these unique dialogues with the Lord to find calm and concentration.

The refuge of the Word of God will always help you to move in the best possible way, reducing the accumulated tension in your body.

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7
Understand that happiness is not moments, but processes, it is an up and down movement that is not defined at a certain point.

Imagine you are pursuing a university degree, are you happy only on the last day, when you get your degree, or are you happy in the process, while studying, attending classes, acquiring new knowledge?

The same happens on a trip, are you only happy when you arrive at your destination, or do you start to enjoy yourself from the very moment you dream of that trip, when you pack your suitcase?

Happiness is not seconds, nor minutes in a week. It's not just Friday nights or Saturdays, when you have more free time.
It is everything you do together with the Holy Spirit, the big or small decisions you make thinking in Faith and the Holy Spirit that will guide you along the way.