Being Guided by Divine Light

Stop looking back, always living in the present to build a better future. Find in the following article the illuminated path for your heart.

"The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God." Psalm 92:12-13

There is a Latin expression that says “Memento mori,” which we can translate as “remember that you are mortal.” The origin of this phrase is found in Ancient Rome. When a victorious general, after defeating the enemy army, made his triumphal entry into Rome, hearing the applause of the public, a slave was in charge of whispering this phrase in his ear over and over again to remind him that humans have their limitations, including the finitude of life.

For this reason, you must live today to the fullest, enjoy every moment, make each day an unforgettable experience with the Lord. He is the only one who lives eternally with Jesus in the Temple of Heaven.

If we live connected to the Holy Spirit, you will realize that at the same time as traveling through a different world full of blessings, you will know your inner and spiritual being, which will be reflected like a mirror.

But do not close yourself only in your thoughts, also try to connect with other people who are on the path of Faith, who have different perspectives and experiences regarding the love they received from the Heavenly Father. We are walking a unique path, we must never forget that. Accompanied by the Savior, and with earthly and spiritual development, we are on the path to the infinite glory that Jesus gave us.

"Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this."  Psalm 37:5

Remember that we can live each moment with greater intensity, with more dedication to Faith, valuing the Glory of God, one of the important things that we must always keep present in our thoughts and emotions.

Feeling the Holy Spirit close makes us launch ourselves with Faith during the journey when moments and opportunities arise for us to grow, which will give us many rewards in everyday life.

You can remember that you are a human being, a divine creation of the Lord, and that life is a gift that must be taken advantage of day by day. We must be able to trust in that simple idea, which is the driving force that will help us move forward, no matter the cost.

"The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble."  Psalm 9:9

Prayer is our direct line to the Creator, a powerful tool that allows us to express our needs, thanks, and requests. Let us forget the traditional image of a child praying at the foot of the bed and adopt prayer as a constant practice, accessible at any time and place. Just as we call a loved one to express our affection and gratitude, we can resort to prayer at any moment, thus strengthening our relationship with God.

We are instruments of spiritual connection that God uses to guide many in the world. In prayer, we daily thank Him for the opportunities received. We also thank Him for each lesson that improves us as people and connects us more with the Holy Spirit. Let us not forget that our prayers are a daily task that we must cultivate with patience and love so that they become a reality and the Lord blesses us with His love.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11

You have all the necessary tools to fulfill God's divine mission. Without doubts or negative thoughts, follow your heavenly goal. The wisdom we receive from the Scriptures, the strength in Christ, and the power of prayer are fundamental pillars in our Christian life. By incorporating these practices into our daily lives, we become beacons of light and love in our community, reflecting the grace and mercy of God in everything we do.

The relationship with our Heavenly Father is eternal and essential. He is our constant guide, our strength in moments of weakness, and our refuge in times of difficulty. By trusting in His plan and His unconditional love, we find the peace and direction needed to navigate life. This relationship offers us a perfect example of love and care, inspiring us to live lives full of faith, hope, and charity.

Let us always remember that our daily actions, guided by faith and love, have the power to transform not only our lives but also those of those around us. Let us always be aware of the importance of our decisions and seek to honor God in everything we do, knowing that we are called to be His hands and feet on Earth.