Are we in solidarity? Notes to keep us fraternal in times of pandemic.

To be in solidarity is to exercise an act of collective union in terms of commitment and sharing in the plight of our brothers and sisters in distress.

But how do we approach our help in times of pandemic and confinement?

“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:16

One of the many questions that arise strongly in the current global context is: Am I Solidary? And it is quite natural that this, and other types of questions, are presented to us acquiring greater dimension when we are going through quarantine. Not being able to circulate, it becomes difficult to get our help to our brothers and sisters in need.

We must understand, then, that there are various ways of practicing solidarity and that being in solidarity is not a one-time event, an action that we undertake 3 or 4 times a month in normal instances, but rather a fruitful and constant Commitment of Love with the work that the Lord has entrusted to us.

“Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.” 1 Peter 3:8

Genuine solidarity with our suffering brothers and sisters begins when we do well the work that Jesus entrusted to us every day. We must be determined and socially responsible because if our work is carried out correctly, we generate a positive impact on others. It is important to spread empathy with our neighbor, feeling closely united with them in their sorrows and doubts.

Solidarity is a tool to transform our reality and that of our brothers. Today, probably many people are in need of sharing the Word of the Lord, people who are alone and burdened by confinement who need to unite in prayer with their peers. As members of the People of God, we must remain in pursuit of the common good. Christ's teachings are a good start to appease the anxiety of those who are going through difficult times.

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

In these times and as followers of Jesus, we are called by Him to feel closer to one another. It is essential to use all the resources we have at hand to offer our time, affection, and advice. It is time to put into practice the gifts with which our Heavenly Father has blessed us and put them at the service of our brothers and sisters to give and receive comfort.

That is why we must always keep in mind that solidarity is not only material, but also Spiritual, Human, and Cultural. It is a great time to follow the example of Christ who gave in life a selfless, free and solidary Love to all people, regardless of their appearance or social status. The Lord belongs to all and in all.

“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 7:12

Just as an orchestra assembles the performances and harmonies and translates from unity the message it wants to transmit, so must we act, unwaveringly seeking God from the Peace and Harmony that His marvelous teachings sow. There are people who only ask for some company, a word, a gentle breeze that returns them to the path they think they have lost.

It is up to us to perform these acts so that the hand of the Highest may touch all hearts. Let us build a better world, without discrimination, with the gift of humility and receptivity. Let us listen to our brothers and sisters to understand what our Savior intends for us at this stage of life. We all need each other at this time.

As Pope Francis well expressed in the Angelus of 07/29/18 when he said: "Let solidarity prevail, not war. To be in solidarity in favor of the poor, the weak, the last, and the defenseless is the best proof of the quality of our faith, both at a personal level, as well as in a community."

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