A Miracle That Guides Your Dreams

If you keep hope and faith you will be able to move forward on the paths of life. Discover a path of heavenly illumination in the following verses.

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7

In life's journey, it is essential that we are able to recognize and appreciate the countless blessings and gifts God has bestowed upon us. In this article, we will explore ways to cultivate gratitude and feel in harmony with ourselves and the divine plan that surrounds us.

Being filled with a deep sense of gratitude for every wonderful aspect of life is the key to successfully navigating the path of light laid out by our Savior. We are in a stage of harnessing, where the blessings we have received become the essence that drives us. It is the moment to value the present, to immerse ourselves in our daily lives with full intensity and awareness.

In this transit, it is important to free ourselves from worries that may anchor us to the past or anticipate the future. Instead, the focus should be on the present and the opportunities that God gives us to heal and improve our lives in all aspects. Nurturing both body and soul with this focus will lead to a state of balance and wholeness.

"That you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." Matthew 5:45

Thankfulness becomes the fundamental pillar of this stage. Be thankful for the gifts we possess, for the company of family, for the friendships that enrich us and for every opportunity that crosses our path. When was the last time you said a prayer of gratitude?

Starting the day by appreciating the spaces we have built over the past year connects us to our own history. Every corner we call home is a tangible reminder of God's love for us and the warmth that accompanies us every step of our journey.

Let us not forget that family relationships and the connections we make are an essential part of this journey. Despite the challenges, we have managed to cultivate harmony and happiness within our families. The key lies in finding the balance between the individuality of each member and the communion that unites us. This unity in love and peace, values instilled by Jesus, is what brings together each family member and loved one who makes up our closest circle.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

While there may be issues to resolve, this is an invitation to commit to continuous improvement and to share quality time with our loved ones. Through outings, trips and shared moments, we nurture the bonds that unite us, always remembering the love and respect that Jesus taught us on the cross.

Building our belief and value system together with the Holy Spirit has been a gradual process, but we have reached a point of solidity. With Faith as our guide, we know that our actions are supported by these beliefs, giving us direction and purpose.

However, this stage also invites us to follow a path of enlightenment and to listen to the call of our heart. Although we have established a solid spiritual foundation, it is also critical to listen to our inner voice and align ourselves with the desires God has placed within us.

The spiritual contention we have built up over time will always be present, but now is the time to direct ourselves according to our aspirations and not according to the expectations of others. There is no predefined path to follow; the important thing is to trust in the legacy of love that Jesus left us and follow his teachings.

"The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it." Proverbs 10:22

Taking a moment to recognize the emotions we experience is essential at this stage. Identifying those that recur in our mind gives us a deeper understanding of our emotional state. Each emotion can be a reflection of the people around us or of specific actions. What message do these emotions convey to us: calm, irritation, happiness, sadness, melancholy? Our emotional state can influence our decisions and actions. Therefore, it is essential to set ourselves on the path to a life full of love, respect, hope, peace and blessings, entrusting our path to God.

Valuing moments of gratitude and connection will give us the opportunity to appreciate the blessings we have received and cultivate deep gratitude. It is a constant reminder that every aspect of life is a manifestation of God's love and goodness. As we move toward a path of wholeness and harmony, we find that the present is a gift to be fully savored. The connection with our Savior guides us on this journey and compels us to share this love and gratitude with the world around us.

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