A Daily Opportunity to Love

If you really long to be able to receive love, you can find the key right now. In the following article discover that you have a chance right now.

"Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law." Romans 13:8

Every day that begins is a new opportunity to draw closer to the Lord. The Holy Spirit will give you the energy you need to open new paths and let yourself be guided by them, like a boat that navigates downstream, letting itself be carried by the current.

At times we must stop looking for ideal and dreamed situations or relationships.

Many times we believe that we have to give everything and be perfectly aligned with what the people around us tell us. In your life, so that the links around you can flow, you must understand that many people think and live in different ways. You are an independent person, following the path of light that our Savior weaves daily for each of his sons and daughters.

It is time to stop waiting for something that we know deep down inside we know is not going to happen. Trying to force situations can be stressful and counterproductive, in addition to constantly leading to feelings of failure.

Learning to take the positive things that surround us and are within our reach will allow us to move forward more lightly.. 

"May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you." 1 Thessalonians 3:12

If we accept that life is constant change, we will be in a position to accept that we, as part of the divine plan that our Heavenly Father possesses. He in his wisdom surrounds us with people and beings of light that help us along the way. Like a tree that changes its foliage when the seasons change, we also change our skin at every crucial moment of our lives.

Change is growth, and it will allow us to go through processes in harmony.

If we want to love and receive love, we must be attentive to the new opportunities that the Lord places before our eyes. Being in expectation of what is to come, will allow us to move towards new directions.

Let yourself be surprised and keep faith and curiosity for what is to come. You will see that the Glory of God will always be on your side.

"Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor." Proverbs 21:21

There is much more out there than you thought. Those possibilities that were in development are now palpable, they are there boiling.

The opportunities to be able to receive love and give it are there latent, waiting for you to take them.

It is time to rethink your desires with God, to think big, to encourage you to go out into the world to run the limits that you have set for years, in your mind. At this time you can grow your expectations and expand your horizons and your ambitions.

The hope and faith of being able to aspire for more has been clear for some time now: So why are you settling?

Everything you have been planning for some time now is moving forward, but you see that there is a limit that is near. Why not push that limit? Why not adapt it to the person you are today? You change all the time.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39

If you trust in the Holy Spirit and in Jesus, those new possibilities you see before you will be more and more within your reach if you are determined to press on in your daily efforts.

In your already known environment you have exhausted the possibilities, those that appear now are fresh, they are new, but the most important thing is that they are available to you and they will make you grow as you had never imagined.

The Lord wants that at this moment you should not doubt, you should not hesitate, but in fact you should imagine big. To think that everything is possible. Do not hold back beforehand, with confidence in the Holy Spirit and the blessings of Jesus you can draw new horizons.