5 Lessons for having a month of August with the Lord

Learn from these tips that we prepare especially for you and go fully through the month of August with Jesus.

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” 1 Corinthians10:13

We all wish to have prosperous and happy life but, on the other hand, we know that it is actually a perfect balance between good and bad times. That is why beyond the circumstances we may be going through, it is important to maintain a positive attitude in the face of the events that the divine plan of the Lord presents to us on our way.

When we smile, even in difficult times, we do not do it by force or by commitment. We do it because we know that we have the greatest and most perfect Love that is that of our Lord. It is very important, then, to remember at all times who we are and what we long for. In The Savior, we can do everything and the many blessings received every day are more than enough reason to stay on our feet, welcoming the future with a smile.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

There seems to be a tendency to examine the episodes of our lives under the magnifying glass of exaggerated self-criticism, non-appreciation, and a sense of failure.

Nurturing this concept is not only unfair to us, it is a misguided look at our failures and weaknesses. What if we changed the focus, what if we allow ourselves to replace the impression we have formed about ourselves?

We must internalize that this is a God-given gesture of Wisdom to sustain our Humble Spirit and to correct the things that are not working well in our lives. We must not lose hope in everything and thus lead us into states of desolation.

That is why we could start by reflecting on the positive aspects of our existence and that this reflection opens the doors to recognize all the blessings that the Lord pours on us every day .

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” Philippians 4:4

It is impossible to maintain happiness all the time during our lives. Sickness, the loss of a loved one, economic problems, are instances that we must go through bypassing through pain sustained by our Faith.

However, there is one place where we can be happy eternally: our relief in the Lord. It comes into our lives in this way because it is a Love that does not depend on earthly circumstances. We will overcome difficult and incomprehensible moments with the strength granted by our Heavenly Father. Our Love for Him has no limits and there is no room for sadness in His heart .

“When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.” Psalm 94:19  

Let's make a list of actions that give us happiness and that in turn fill the hearts of other loved ones with joy. Let's find moments to share with our older adults. Let's hear what they have to say to us, let's be patient and understanding. Let us listen to the voice of the Highest from the hearts of those who have traveled much of the way. Let us encourage meetings with the children of the family. Let us pay attention to the pure message that the Lord gives us through them. If we are in a bad moment, we can marvel at how the pain is expelled from within us to be transformed into Love.

“The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad.” Psalm 118:24

Let us take advantage of time, let us help those who need it, let us show love for our neighbor, let us be sincere and merciful to our brothers. Let us live joyfully for each day that the Lord gives us, let us keep away bad thoughts and let us not renounce to smile since it is the living expression of God's Work in our lives.

From this predisposition we will lighten our burdens, we will be wiser and safer when it comes to overcoming obstacles.