Understand the importance of continuing on the path of enlightenment that the Lord provides us.
There are times when we lose sight of how important it is to have the conviction that the Peace of the Lord lives in our hearts. The Peace of Christ overcomes all our anxieties, even in the most di...
In this list of prayers we can find inspiration that will help us to connect with the Lord and with the Holy Spirit before undertaking our daily rest.
If we read the Bible daily, we can find new ways to enrich ourselves with its content.
These reflexions were thought up so that the word of God gets closer to all women in a gentle and simple manner, with wording that reaches our heart.
In these times it is important to update and reach more and more people, which is why we must use social networks in our favor, for the cause of God.
Prayer is our direct path for communication with Christ. We must realize that in this connection with the Holy Spirit, we must celebrate daily which will allow us to enlighten our hearts even more.
The way we see the glass (half full or half empty) is the way we see ourselves walking the path to the Lord. Our vision of the accomplishments we earn will determine how we approach the trials to c...
We have to appeal to our creativity and imagination to continue a life confined to preventive confinement that prevents the spread of the COVID-19 virus. We present ways to share prayers with famil...
The tests of faith appear at various times in our lives. The ways and means of the Lord can often define our relationship with the Holy Spirit. Learn some stories that will enlighten your heart.
Are you looking for a way to heal your heart?
We want to share the reasons why we should always keep in mind the universal guidance of the Lord.
You may wonder how the Holy Spirit will come to you then? At what point can we approach the Lord's way?
By maintaining a positive attitude, we will be able to cope with and overcome the situations that arise. While my future with a smile because we have Christ on our side and in any circumstance we h...
The strength of will needed to move forward is found in the following prayer.
As we walk hand in hand with God, we know that we must experience joy and anguish. It is essential, in times of storms, to strengthen our commitment to Christ so as not to lower our arms and reach ...